The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman
I recently reached a few high points in my career that coincided, not coincidentally, with some of the worst harassment of my life. It made me reflect on how my career has been defined as much in terms of misogyny as technical excellence (I’ve garnered quite a CV in both), and how I have struggled to explain to others my experience.
The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman
Why can’t we talk about periods?
„It shouldn’t be an act of feminism to know how your body works,“ says gynecologist and author Jen Gunter. In this revelatory talk, she explains how menstrual shame silences and represses — and leads to the spread of harmful misinformation and the mismanagement of pain. Declaring the era of the menstrual taboos over, she delivers a clear, much-needed lesson on the once-mysterious mechanics of the uterus.
Man or Bear
I’ve also spent most of my life trying to extract myself from patriarchy. I’ve had to learn how to say no to men, to protect myself from men, and get away from men in ways that have been crucial to my survival. I’ve had to learn how to trust my intuition, value my feelings, and claim my agency in ways that have defied “ladylike” behavior. I’ve done this through trial and error, dedicated study, and deep, often painful excavations of my own interior. I’ve gone to nature again and again to study what it feels like to be fully human.
Remove NA: Strukturierte Daten zur queeren Geschichte
Das Projekt Remove NA verknüpft Data Science und Domänenwissen mit dem Ziel, queere Daten in das Netz der offenen, verlinkten Daten einzuweben.
Als wenn Du mein Geliebter wärest
Liebe und Begehren zwischen Frauen sind Themen der deutschsprachigen Literatur, deren Gestaltung sich zwischen 1750 und 1850 stark verändert. Belegt wird diese These an Hand zahlreicher Einzelanalysen literarischer Texte, die, – nach einer sozialhistorischen Einführung zur weiblichem ›Homosexualität‹ im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert – mit Hilfe von Frageansätzen und Methoden aus der feministischen Literaturwissenschaft, den Gender Studies, der Queer Theory, Close Reading und der historischen Diskursanalyse zum Sprechen gebracht werden.