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50 Years of Text Games

Ich habe es tatsächlich geschafft, eine Fundraising-Aktion auszulassen. Hätte ich von ihr gewusst, weiß ich nicht, was mich davon abgehalten hätte …

For fifty years, writers have been creating interactive fiction on digital platforms. From text adventures to VR poetry, MUDS to mobile dating sims, chatbots to roguelikes, these games without graphics have pioneered new genres of interactive storytellingand engaged imaginations with prose and code.

50 Years of Text Games

Der Fundraiser ist sehr erfolgreich abgeschlossen, das gedruckte Buch schon vergriffen, aber es gibt noch das PDF (für $25, also $0,50 pro besprochenem Spiel). Auf der Kaufseite gibt es unten den Download des Probekapitels A Mind Forever Voyaging, liest sich gut, finde ich.

Grafische Geschichte

Ein paar Links zu eher grafisch orientierter Computer-Archäologie:

The Computer Graphics Essential Reference

Eine old-style Textwüste mit verdichteter Information über viele maßgebene und innovative Firmen, von Amiga über Pixar bis (natürlich) Xerox PARC.

Visuelle Zugabe: A digital archive of graphic design related items that are available on the Internet Archives mit z.B.

Infrastruktur Geschichte



Andreas Bechtolsheim ist einer der Gründer von SUN Microsystems und Designer der SUN-Hardware plus vieler weiterer Network- (und) Hardware-Innvoationen.

William „Bill“ Joy hat neben vielem anderen die Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), eine Distribution von AT&T Unix plus Patches und Tools, ins Leben gerufen. Dieses BSD ist Urvater der heutigen FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD-Distributionen und ihrer Varianten. Dann hat er Java erfunden 🙂

DSM: What studies were you neglecting? I mean obviously you got sidetracked in a great way.

WJ: I was going to do theoretical computer science, and actually I ended up fixing the Pascal system. I had been trying to write a parser for general context free languages. That was a programming algorithm that someone had published in trying to think about a way of doing a better parser. It’s a theoretical kind of thing. And when I was trying to write the theoretical parser as a program, the programming language implementation wasn’t good enough. So then I had to go fix the programming language implementation. Then I needed a better editor to do that. Then the operating system was not stable enough. You never get back to where you started. You just recursively descend fixing other things. So I ended up kind of stuck at the lowest level fixing the operating system.


DSM: So tell the story of how you two guys met.

AB: I actually knew of Bill because he was famous. It was basically this guy from Berkeley who did this whole UNIX compiler pretty much by himself. Everybody was waiting for the next release of the 4.1 and 4.2 tape that was supposed to be the production release, and here we were having this piece of hardware but no software, and here was the perfect software.

Eine kurze Geschichte von Objective-C

Ganz früher war Pascal die Sprache der Wahl um Anwendungen für den Apple Macintosh zu entwickeln. Trendsprache der 80er war dann aber bald C. Aber Steve Jobs hatte die Zukunft gesehen, damals in den 1970ern bei Xerox. Es hatte nur ein paar Jahre gedauert, bis er verstanden hat, was er gesehen hatte. Seine neue Firma, NeXT, baute ihre Software darum auf einem „Das Beste aus zwei Welten“-Hybrid auf, einem der ersten objekt-orienntierten Dialekte von C, Objective-C.

Die Frameworks, die NeXT damals für ihr Betriebssystem NeXTSTEP entwickelten, waren außergewöhnlich gut designt und dienten daher, seit Steve Jobs (samt NeXT) zu Apple zurückgekehrt war, als MacOS weiter. Um dann auch zur Sprache der Wahl auf einer mobilen Plattform namens iPhone zu werden.

Das Computer History Museum hat einen historischen Abriss über das Woher und Wohin von Objective-C geschrieben, der auch Xerox PARC streift: Der Ort, an dem Steve Jobs die Zukunft gesehen hat.


Objective-C was created in the 1980s by Brad Cox to add Smalltalk-style object-orientation to traditional, procedure-oriented C programs. It had a few significant advantages over Smalltalk. Programs written in Smalltalk could not stand alone. To run, Smalltalk programs had to be installed along with an entire Smalltalk runtime environment—a virtual machine, much like Java programs today. This meant that Smalltalk was very resource intensive, using significantly more memory, and running often slower, than comparable C programs that could run on their own. Also like Java, Smalltalk programs had their own user interface conventions, looking and feeling different than other applications on the native environment on which they were run. (Udell, 1990) By re-implementing Smalltalk’s ideas in C, Cox made it possible for Objective-C programmers to organize their program’s architecture using Smalltalk’s higher level abstractions while fine-tuning performance-critical code in procedural C, which meant that Objective-C programs could run just as fast as traditional C programs